July 27-31, 2020
For over 40 years CLINCON has provided the highest quality education to EMS professionals by integrating prehospital care research and cutting edge clinical practice. CLINCON offers the continuum of emergency medicine professionals an all-encompassing educational experience that focuses on strengthening practical skills and enhancing clinical knowledge in order to provide the highest-quality of care to their patients.
In consideration of all circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including public health guidance from state and federal governments and the CDC, CLINCON 2020 is going virtual! There will be a variety of ways to learn and connect with speakers, exhibitors, and friends.
Our audience is made up of the entire continuum of emergency care professionals: EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, EMS/fire administrators, EMS medical directors, EMS educators, emergency physicians, emergency physician assistants, emergency nurses, and other allied health professionals.
July 27, 2020
8:00am – 12:00pm
2020 Vision from the Gathering of Seagles: the Florida EMS Medical Directors Virtual Roundtable & Interactive
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Exhibitor/Product Showcase
July 28, 2020
2:00pm – 4:00pm
*One Bad Chapter: Building mental and physical resilience in the first responder professions
July 29, 2020
10:00am – 11:00am
Caring for LVAD patients: What EMS Teams Need to Know
11:00am to 12:00pm
Exhibitor/Product Showcase
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Airway Avengers
July 30, 2020
8:00am – 8:55am
Taking the “Trauma” out of Pediatric Trauma: Advanced Preparation, Best Practices and Case Scenarios
9:00am – 11:00am
Approach to the child with Altered Sensorium
11:00am – 12:00pm
Exhibitor/Product Showcase
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Safety Third
July 31, 2020
9:00am – 12:00pm
Search, Rescue, and Extrication
Become a Virtual Sponsor or Exhibitor
The CLINCON 2020 Prospectus is now available!
We are excited to announce the release our virtual exhibit hall packages with options to ensure engagement with attendees during their virtual conference journey. To see all available opportunities, click “View Now”.
For questions regarding virtual sponsor and/or exhibit hall opportunities, please email our Direct of Meetings & Events, Melissa Keahey at mkeahey@emlrc.org.
All CME sessions will be offered in a virtual format with a mixture of live, semi-live, an on-demand sessions. There is no need for any special software or hardware to view these sessions. Participants must use a device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone) with an Internet connection sufficient to watch HD videos and the ability to click a link and view/listen to streaming content.

For any questions regarding the event please contact us at registration@emlrc.org.