2025 Corporate Partners
Meet emergency medicine's biggest supporters.
EM Innovator
We are a democratic EM group practice in business for over 40 years with five contract hospitals located on Atlantic Coast near Daytona Beach, plus events at Daytona International Speedway NASCAR Emergency Care Center. Flexible scheduling, competitive pay and full benefits. Come for the career, stay for the lifestyle! Visit emprosonline.com for more information.

EM Advocate
Emergency Physicians of Central Florida, LLP (EPCF) is a democratic EM group founded in 1998. EPCF provides excellence in medical care, leadership and vision in emergency medicine, and excels at medical education. We provide opportunities to develop leadership roles, administrative skills and effective relationships with hospital administration and within the partnership. Learn more by emailing EPCFopportunities@EPCFonline.com.

EM Advocate
US Acute Care Solutions is a physician-owned medical group offering comprehensive solutions across the continuum of acute care, including emergency, hospitalist, and observation services, critical care, telehealth, palliative care, post-acute care, transitional care, OB/GYN and pediatrics.
With 6,000 physicians and APPs in 30 states, USACS serves more than 10 million patients a year.
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